Is your lawn plagued with dry patches? Are thinning grass and bare spots beginning to nag you? Well, these are common worries of any homeowner. Keeping a lawn looking lush and healthy is not an easy task, but there are always solutions to every problem. And this is where overseeding comes in.

Overseeding has long been practiced by both homeowners and professional lawn experts to create a fuller and thicker lawn. And if you’re a new homeowner or taking up lawn responsibilities for the first time on behalf of your family, well, worry not. We’ll explain everything you should know about overseeding, from the right techniques to the essential products.

What Does Overseeding Mean?

What does overseeding mean?

In simple terms, overseeding is planting grass seeds on a lawn that already has existing grass, and this is usually done without turning the soil.

Overseeding is an essential process for any lawn to look lush and green throughout the year. Bare patches and thinning grass are commonly encountered in any turf over time, even if it’s regularly cared for. This can happen because of natural weather conditions, diseases, and various other reasons. Overseeding helps to fill up these bare spots so that your lawn can continue to look fuller with a greener and healthier appearance.

And if your lawn is constantly facing attacks by weeds, insects, or disease, then you can use overseeding to introduce grass varieties that are resistant to these common issues. This can save you from the hassle of constantly worrying about protecting your lawn.

But not only that, some grass varieties fare well in warm seasons and die down during the winters. Overseeding is also a great solution for this as well since it can allow you to introduce cool-season grass varieties.

How Overseeding Works

How does overseeding work?

Keep in mind that overseeding could be a costly and time-consuming process depending on how you approach it. While it’s an important technique for every homeowner to learn, it needs to be done with a proper understanding to get the best results and ensure that your time and money are well spent.

So, here’s an easy to follow step-by-step guide to take you through the overseeding process.

  • Mow the lawn. First, you need to start preparing your lawn for overseeding. Start by cutting the grass short and remove the clippings. Also, check for dry patches and remove any thatch.
  • Rake. Next, rake the lawn to help loosen the soil. Raking will also help remove any leftover dead grass and clear the area. All these are essential for the seed to effectively reach the soil and germinate.
  • Aerate if needed. Contrary to popular belief, not all lawns need aeration. But if you have compacted soil, then this is a must before you overseed.
  • Select the right seeds. Choosing the right grass seeds depends on your specific requirements and conditions. For example, you need to consider the climatic and geographic conditions of your region, the soil type and condition of your land, as well as the specific color and appearance you want to achieve for your lawn. You might want to select a variety that can last a long time. And if you have specific weed or pest concerns, you can select varieties that help ward them off.
  • Start seeding. Read the instructions on the package since certain seed varieties could have specific seed rates and requirements. Ensure that you put the right amount of seeds to the seed spreader and evenly sow them.
  • Water the lawn. You should water the lawn right after seeding with around an inch of water. After that, lightly water every day to keep the soil moist to help the germination process. After the seeds begin to germinate, you can continue to water every 2-3 days. But keep in mind that how long your grass takes to germinate will depend on the type of seeds you have chosen.

When to Mow Grass After Overseeding?

When to mow grass after overseeding.

One of the biggest mistakes many homeowners make is mowing just a couple of weeks after the overseeding process. You can’t expect a worse disaster than this since all the time and hard work you’ve put into your lawn could be wasted by this single error in judgment.

So, what’s the best time to mow the grass? Well, you need to wait until the new roots have properly grasped hold of the soil, and this takes time. How long it takes will depend on several factors like the grass variety you have chosen. But in general, it’s usually best to wait around eight weeks before mowing.

The best way to gauge whether it’s time to start mowing is by keeping an eye on the grass height. Wait until the growth has reached at least 3 ½ inches. Obviously, the higher, the better. This often signals that the new grass has firmly set its roots deep in the soil.

And remember to mow high when it comes to the first round of cutting.

Will Overseeding Kill Weeds?

Will overseeding kill weeds?

Weeds are a common problem in almost any lawn, although some may be plagued with weeds more often than others. Overseeding is generally recommended to ward off this nagging issue because it gives grass a fresh start.

But can overseeding really kill weeds? The simple answer is that overseeding will not directly or immediately kill weeds. But what it can do is create a thick growth, making it difficult for weeds to find space in your lawn, which can help prevent them from spreading.

This makes it a clever solution that could kill two birds with one stone—giving you a lush thick lawn while warding off those pesky weeds.

But before you start overseeding, it’s important to first remove all the thatch, i.e. the dead grass cover, and aerate the soil to ensure that any remaining weeds are completely removed before the new grass takes over.

There are also general maintenance best practices that can help you keep weeds from sprouting up. For example, watering the grass regularly is important for it to remain thick and lush so that weeds don’t stand a chance of taking root.

Mowing the grass high can also help create a grass cover over the weeds, preventing them from easily germinating. Changing the mowing angle each time by 45 or 90 degrees will help the grass to remain upright and stop soil compaction. By combining all of these strategies, you’ll have a much better chance of keeping weeds at bay.

Overseeding Essentials

Getting professionals to take care of overseeding your lawn may seem like a hassle-free process compared to taking it up on your own. But in the long run, this will add up to a significant cost, which you could easily avoid by taking over the process yourself. And this can be done effortlessly by learning the correct techniques and getting the right equipment and products.

So if you’re up for the challenge, let’s look at some of the essentials you’ll need to get started.

Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass Plus Weed Preventer

Scotts Turf Builder and Weed Preventer for new grass.

This is an excellent 2-in-1 product that works as a fertilizer and weed preventer in one go. It can be used with many grass varieties from perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass to centipede grass, as well as tall and fine fescue types. Just plant the seeds, add this fertilizer to the soil, and then water. It also works well with sod and grass plugs.

But not only is it great to give a healthy boost to new grass after overseeding, it can also help prevent dandelions, crabgrass, and other weeds for up to six weeks. This will allow enough time for the new grass to take root and create a thick cover for your lawn, leaving no room for weeds to sprout.

This product has got some great reviews for delivering better seeding results and faster growth. However, it’s interesting to note that some customers haven’t had much luck with weeds like chickweed and clover.

To see the latest pricing, click here.

Liquid Aerating Soil Loosener and Conditioner by Simple Lawn Solutions

Liquid aerator to loosen soil by Simple Lawn Solutions.

If you have highly compacted soil, it’s important to properly aerate and loosen it up before starting the overseeding process. This liquid aerator is a perfect alternative to manual aeration and can save time and all the hassle of getting your hands dirty.

Aerating compacted soil is essential for the healthy growth of grass so that water and air can easily reach the roots. This product uses non-toxic and biodegradable compounds to quickly loosen and break down hardpans, dirt, and soil and allow proper water drainage. The conditioning effect helps detoxify and improve the soil structure so that nutrients can reach the roots, thereby ensuring a more robust lawn.

It’s also simple to use—just put it on the soil four weeks before overseeding so it has enough time to loosen and aerate the soil and prepare it for new seed growth. Also, be sure to water regularly to allow the soil to absorb the nutrients.

Customers who have purchased this product love the natural and non-toxic quality that makes it great for homes with pets and small children. But according to some reviews, you might need to apply a higher concentration for better results. This, of course, will vary depending on your soil condition.

To learn more, click here.

Scotts Whirl Hand-Powered Spreader

Hand-powered spreader by Scotts.

This convenient spreader by Scotts is a hand-held device that’s perfect to distribute seeds evenly across your lawn while reducing waste.

It has adjustable support for your arm so you can use it for a longer time without any discomfort. This will also help you to hold the spreader still for a smoother and even coverage. There’s also no assembly required, so you can start using it straightaway.

Being a hand-held device, it has a compact size, which does make the coverage area relatively small. It’s great for smaller lawns or more concentrated areas that need treatment. However, keep in mind that it’s designed for right-hand use, so you might struggle if you’re a left-hander.

Having said that, this is quite an economical product in the lower price range. And besides spreading seeds, you can also use it to distribute fertilizer, weed killer, or even ice melt. This makes it quite a useful piece of equipment to keep on hand.

Ready to buy? Click here.

Brinly Push Spreader with Side Deflector Kit

Brinly fifty pound push spreader.

If you have a sizable lawn, then you might not be keen on using a more economical hand-held spreader. In that case, this push-spreader by Brinly is an excellent option to consider.

It’s got a much larger capacity of fifty pounds, making it a great solution for large areas. The deflector kit helps reduce waste by controlling the flow of seeds and ensuring they are distributed exactly where you want. However, the flat bottom of the seed container could make it difficult for the last remaining seeds to flow out.

It’s quite sturdy and made for heavy-duty use over a longer period of time. It’s also designed with rust-proof material and pneumatic tires for durability and less maintenance hassle. And on top of that, you can also use it for distributing fertilizer or ice melt.

While this push spreader does come with a higher price tag, its durable finish and multi-purpose use make it an excellent investment in the long-run.

To read the latest reviews, click here.

To Sum it Up…

Overseeding can help you get rid of those ghastly patches and create a healthy-looking turf that you’ve always dreamed of. By applying the right techniques, overseeding can minimize the headache of attending to weeds, insects, and disease issues.

We all know that maintaining a lush, green lawn takes some extra effort. Thinning grass, dry patches, bare spots, and even weed attacks are common grievances among many homeowners. But overseeding is a great solution to create that super perfect lawn you can be proud of.